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lab gas chromatograph

A global chemistry company operates a central laboratory for the Frankfurt - Hoechst site with 24/7 availability. They have been using our gas mixers there for more than 18 years to calibrate their gas analyzers. Since 2016, they use our special gas mixer GMS_10CH for mixing of 10 gas components in different concentration ranges from ppm to 100 percent by volume.


Gas mixers for corrosive gases -

2, 3 or 4 channels - calibration gas mixers - for more channels on request. 

We have already installed 12-channel gas mixers.

alarm module

Hydrogen ? methane ?Working with flammable or toxic gases ?

We offer an integrated safety module for our gas mixers : the AlarmModule

flow calibration

Calibration of dynamic gas mixers and mass flow controllers in the low flow range.


Kalibrierung von dynamischen Gasmischern und Gas - Massenstromreglern im unteren Durchflussbereich.

Remote control for GMS gas mixers :

GMS gas mixers : GMS with internet connectivity

Internet connection by TCP Client / Server functions : 

allow data transfer and control of the gas mixer via Internet.

GMS_2CH for air - CO2 and GMS_3CH for air - N2 - CO2 ( hypoxic ) or air - O2 - CO2 ( hyperoxic ) gas atmospheres provide accurate, and stable conditions for cell cultures.

GMS_2CH_P : a two-gas mixer for air / N2 and CO2 or N2 and O2.

GMS_3CH_P : a three-gas mixer for air/O2 - N2 - CO2 ( hypoxic / hyperoxic gas atmospheres, other gases on request) .

Both devices produce accurate and stable gas mixtures for cell culture applications.

The gas mixtures are stored in a tank under pressure control to ensure a high concentration stability independent of the required flow rate. They can supply the gas mixture to several cell culture units.

All gas inlets and the gas outlet are monitored by pressure sensors. An automatic leak test is integrated.

Stand - alone solution : concentration adjustment via Windows software.

Pressure adjustment integrated

Integrated leak test

CO2 / O2 accuracy : +/- 0.02 %.