Contact us directly : 

++49 (0) 89 84060347


Gas mixers for corrosive gases -

2, 3 or 4 channels - for more channels on request

Hydrogen ? methane ?Working with flammable or toxic gases ?

We offer an integrated safety module for our gas mixers : the AlarmModule

flow calibration

Calibration of dynamic gas mixers and mass flow controllers in the low flow range.


Kalibrierung von dynamischen Gasmischern und Gas - Massenstromreglern im unteren Durchflussbereich.

Remote control for GMS gas mixers :

GMS gas mixers : GMS with internet connectivity

Internet connection by TCP Client / Server functions : 

allow data transfer and control of the gas mixer via Internet.

Pressurized gas mixtures for 2 or 3 components ( e.g. CO2 / O2 / N2 ) 

Stored in a tank under pressure.

- automatic filling with pressure control.

- easy operation, stand-alone unit.

- designed for long-term use of gas-mixtures.

QCAL Messtechnik GmbH has over 27 years of experience in the manufacture of gas mixers and gas dosing units for laboratories and test chambers. Our product range is suitable for a wide variety of gases - including corrosive and toxic gases. The units are used for research and testing applications in almost all fields such as


- Test gas and humidity generation from liquid and solid components.


- Life science applications ( N2-O2-CO2-H2-N2O ).


- Material and corrosion tests ( SO2 - NO2 - H2S - Cl2 ).


- Development and calibration of sensors in the concentration range from ppb to volume percent.


- Quality control of gas sensors


and many others. 


We validate our gas mixers with gas analyzers to guarantee best performance.