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lab gas chromatograph

A global chemistry company operates a central laboratory for the Frankfurt - Hoechst site with 24/7 availability. They have been using our gas mixers there for more than 18 years to calibrate their gas analyzers. Since 2016, they use our special gas mixer GMS_10CH for mixing of 10 gas components in different concentration ranges from ppm to 100 percent by volume.


Gas mixers for corrosive gases -

2, 3 or 4 channels - calibration gas mixers - for more channels on request. 

We have already installed 12-channel gas mixers.

alarm module

Hydrogen ? methane ?Working with flammable or toxic gases ?

We offer an integrated safety module for our gas mixers : the AlarmModule

flow calibration

Calibration of dynamic gas mixers and mass flow controllers in the low flow range.


Kalibrierung von dynamischen Gasmischern und Gas - Massenstromreglern im unteren Durchflussbereich.

Remote control for GMS gas mixers :

GMS gas mixers : GMS with internet connectivity

Internet connection by TCP Client / Server functions : 

allow data transfer and control of the gas mixer via Internet.

High performance gas mixers for laboratories  since 28 years.

gas mixer

Ready - to - use gas mixing systems for 2, 3 or 4 channels

QCAL High Performance gas mixing on YouTube

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Gas mixing systems for experimental and testing facilities in research and development laboratories for many different applications as biotechnology (e.g. CO2 – O2 – N2 ), sensor calibration and chemical industry. Also suited for corrosive gases as SO2, H2S and others.


These systems are operated by a powerful and easy-to-use WINDOWS software for digital control, data storage with export to EXCEL tables and visualization.


The Laminar-Flow measurement principle provides outstanding accuracy  and a wide concentration and flow range with 32 calibration points for each gas channel, normally calibrated with real gases ( NO conversion factors ).





Gas mixing units - made in Germany